
金融援助 常见问题


You have questions. We have answers.

我们知道,经济援助的过程似乎是压倒性的,但我们在这里帮助. 如果你在下面的问题中找不到你需要的信息,不要犹豫 十大网堵平台.

金融援助 常见问题
  • What is included in tuition at 保利预科?

    学费 payments at 保利预科 include the following: lunch, all technology devices in Lower and Middle School, activities and athletics on the Dyker Heights campus, bus service to and from both campuses, daily snack in Nursery, PreK和K, all athletic uniforms, and all grade-wide field trips.

  • What is included in a financial aid award?

    In addition to tuition support, 我们帮助:初中和初中的课后项目, international and domestic travel, athletic trips, 音乐课程, one-on-one SAT prep and tutoring, college visits, summer academic courses, graphing calculators, and all technology devices.

  • Should I apply for financial aid?

    如果你不能在没有经济援助的情况下注册保利预科, we encourage you to complete the financial aid application. Financial aid is available in Nursery to Grade 12.

  • When will I be notified regarding financial aid?


  • Will my family qualify for financial aid?

    在经济援助申请提交之前,我们无法猜测一个家庭将有资格获得的经济援助水平. 目前,75%接受FA的家庭总收入在0美元到25万美元之间. Income is just one out of many considered factors. 清晰 会收集收入、资产和负债数据来确定你的家庭需要吗.

  • How does 保利预科 make financial aid decisions?

    保利助学金委员会每年1月审核所有助学金申请,并每年做出助学金决定. 的 清晰 application generates a recommended amount of need, 保利预科致力于满足100%的清晰计算需求. 经济援助委员会审查那些被认为可以录取的学生的档案, and whose families show demonstrated need for assistance, 并选择最合格的学生获得经济援助计划. 家长不应该因为学费问题而放弃为孩子申请保利大学, 但学校强烈建议家长考虑各种教育机会,以避免因资源有限而失望.

  • How do I apply for financial aid at 保利预科?

    保利预科 requires the 清晰 申请经济援助的所有家庭要求考虑基于需求的经济援助. 提交经济援助申请(包括所有证明文件)的截止日期是 December 15, 2024. 保利预科 only accepts online financial aid applications, and applicants must upload all supporting documents directly to 清晰. For more information about 清晰, please visit http://Claritytuition.com.

  • Is there a fee for 清晰?

    清晰 application fee is $60 payable directly to 清晰. 保利预科 does not offer a fee waiver for 清晰 applications, 但是,符合一定收入要求的家庭将免除清晰申请. For information about those requirements, 请通过申请时提供的在线聊天功能与清晰联系.

  • How does divorce or separation affect the financial aid process?

    When a child is enrolled at 保利预科, 人们期望父母双方都能为他们的教育出力. To be considered for financial aid, 监护和非监护父母都必须填写清晰表格并提交税务信息. 如果父母中只有一方对申请人负有法律上的经济责任, 该责任的证明文件必须通过家长B的弃权表格提供.

  • 如果我为我的孩子获得了来年的奖励,我能期望每年都得到它吗?

    Families receiving aid must reapply annually. Once assistance has been awarded, families can expect that it will be renewed, 前提是家庭的经济状况没有发生重大变化, 并且该学生在学术和行为方面保持良好的地位.

  • 什么是保利预科的财政援助申请截止日期和奖励通知日期?

    在财政援助过程中,在12月15日的最后期限前完成申请是至关重要的. Incomplete applications cannot be considered for aid. 的re is a limited budget for aid and, after funds have been allocated, there is no flexibility for Poly to award additional grants. 新生在收到录取通知书的同时还会收到助学金. 我们要求家长向他们的孩子解释,缺乏经济援助可能会影响录取过程.

  • How else can a parent finance a Poly education?

    We believe that the benefits of a Poly education—including an outstanding faculty; a diverse learning community; a beautiful, 具有标志性和leed认证的低年级和25英亩的大学般的中学校园 & 上学校; a global curriculum; myriad opportunities for individual enrichment and advanced study; and an emphasis on character education and leadership—offer students a unique, and uniquely valuable, 经验. 然而, 为保利大学的学费提供资金确实需要大量的家庭承诺, 许多家长担心自己是否有能力负担私立学校,这是可以理解的. 保利意识到了这一点,因此提供了多种选择来资助保利预科教育的成本,除了我们的经济援助计划:

    Semi-Annual 学费 Payments: 有些家庭觉得分两期收取学费比较方便. After the reservation deposit is collected in the spring, 50% of the remaining tuition is billed in June, and 50% in December.

    Monthly Payment Plan: VC Pay与保利预科合作,提供无利息、无借款的每月分期付款计划. 家长用这个计划来支付他们在学校的全部或部分教育费用.

  • 如果我们入学时没有助学金,我们可以在以后申请(并获得)助学金吗?

    When a student enrolls in 保利预科 without financial aid, 学校的期望是这个家庭在入学的前三年内不会申请经济援助, except in rare cases of emergency aid. 我们的财政援助预算有限,只有少量资金可用于紧急援助.

    已经在学校并且想申请经济援助的家庭必须联系 金融援助 在清晰完成财务援助申请之前,请先向办公室申请. 家庭将被要求证明经济状况的变化. 更多信息可以在家长门户网站的财政援助部分找到.

  • What else besides tuition does financial aid cover?

    我们努力为获得经济援助的学生提供完整的保利预科体验. 我们想鼓励学生们深入研究他们的激情,尝试新的东西. 以下是我们为学生提供经济支持的多种方式, beyond tuition, and the policies and procedures by which we offer support.


    • 聚点 (after-school enrichment classes)
    • Poly after-school care
    • Poly 音乐学院 Lessons (instrumental 音乐课程)


    • 聚点 (after-school enrichment classes)
    • Poly 音乐学院 instrumental 音乐课程
    • 保利预科 summer academic courses


    • Poly 音乐学院 instrumental 音乐课程
    • 保利预科 summer academic courses
    • 舞会的门票

    Other support available upon request:

    • Academic and SAT tutoring
    • Curricular travel
    • Student support services for mental health
    • Required athletics equipment





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